Feral Druid Compendium

Written by Crazymeow, Cheesey

Patch: 10.2.6
Updated: 08/09/2024
All the guides are currently being updated for 11.0. Stuff might be broken and information might be inaccurate.



Single Target

Image Light
Advanced Single Target Priority

What is a priority list?

When reading the priority lists below, you should not think about these as steps to follow in a specific order. At any given point in combat, you should cast the first thing in the list that you are able to cast.

The way this section is written is very formulaic and has the same structure as the Action Priority List (APL) used in sims.


  1. Heart of the Wild iconHeart of the Wild
  2. Prowl iconProwl
  3. Rake iconRakefrom stealth.

Select which talents you have talented to filter the priority list:

Single Target priority list:

  1. Tiger's Fury iconTiger's Furywith 5 combo points or if you're missing more than 35 energy.
  2. Ferocious Bite iconFerocious Bitewith Apex Predator's Craving iconApex Predator's Cravingprocs if it won't disrupt procing Bloodtalons iconBloodtalons.
  3. Ferocious Bite iconFerocious Bitewith Apex Predator's Craving iconApex Predator's Cravingprocs.
  4. Adaptive Swarm iconAdaptive Swarmwhen:
    • There isn't an Adaptive Swarm iconAdaptive Swarmheading to an enemy target, AND
    • Adaptive Swarm iconAdaptive Swarmis either not applied, or is close to expiration with 1 or 2 stacks.
  5. Adaptive Swarm iconAdaptive Swarmconditions change based on the amount of Adaptive Swarms iconAdaptive Swarmsyou have out:
    • If you have 3 Adaptive Swarms iconAdaptive Swarmswith at least 2 stacks out then you will target allies with priority 1 stack > 0 stack > 2 stacks.
    • If you have 2 or fewer Adaptive Swarms iconAdaptive Swarmsof at least 2 stacks, cast on your enemy target when swarm is not on them, and is not traveling towards them.
  6. Incarnation iconIncarnationif it's ready.
  7. Berserk iconBerserkif it's ready.
  8. Feral Frenzy iconFeral Frenzywith 1 or no combo points. 2 is also acceptable during Incarn iconIncarn/Berserk iconBerserk.
  9. Convoke iconConvokewhen:
  10. You may also Convoke iconConvokeif the fight is about to end.

If you are in Berserk iconBerserkcheck this as your priorities from here on out change a bit:

Multi Target

Multi Target Opener
Advanced Multi-target Priority

What is a priority list?

When reading the priority lists below, you should not think about these as steps to follow in a specific order. At any given point in combat, you should cast the first thing in the list that you are able to cast.

The way this section is written is very formulaic and has the same structure as the Action Priority List (APL) used in sims.


  1. Heart of the Wild iconHeart of the Wild
  2. Prowl iconProwl
  3. Rake iconRakefrom stealth.

Select which talents you have talented to filter the priority list:

AoE priority list (2+ targets):

Special Note: Use single-target spells on higher priority/higher healthed mobs

  1. Tiger's Fury iconTiger's Furywith 5 combo points or if you're missing more than 35 energy.
  2. Ferocious Bite iconFerocious Bitewith Apex Predator's Craving iconApex Predator's Cravingprocs if it won't inhibit Bloodtalons iconBloodtalonsfrom proccing.
  3. Ferocious Bite iconFerocious Bitewith Apex Predator's Craving iconApex Predator's Cravingprocs.
  4. Adaptive Swarm iconAdaptive Swarmwhen all of these are true:
  5. With Unbridled Swarm iconUnbridled Swarmtalented, use Adaptive Swarm iconAdaptive Swarmas often as you can with this priority:
  6. Incarnation iconIncarnation
  7. Berserk iconBerserk
  8. Feral Frenzy iconFeral Frenzywith 2 or fewer combo points outside Incarn iconIncarn/Berserk iconBerserk, or 3 or fewer inside Incarn iconIncarn/Berserk iconBerserk.
  9. Convoke iconConvokewhen:
  10. Ferocious Bite iconFerocious Biteat 5 combo points and both of these are true:
  11. Primal Wrath iconPrimal Wrathwith 5 combo points if any of these conditions are met:
  12. Rip iconRipon targets without Rip iconRipthat will live for a decent amount of time.
    • Please, I beg you, if you are using Rip iconRipon multiple targets you should seriously be talenting Primal Wrath iconPrimal Wrath. It's as close to mandatory as it gets.
  13. Ferocious Bite iconFerocious Bitewith 5 combo points and 50 energy.
  14. Below this point, skip any spells you've already casted towards Bloodtalons iconBloodtalonsif you have 0 or 1 stacks of Bloodtalons iconBloodtalons.
  15. Rake iconRakewith Sudden Ambush iconSudden Ambushprocs if there's a target without Rake iconRake.
  16. Brutal Slash iconBrutal Slashif it will cap on charges within the next 4 seconds, or mobs will die in the next 4 seconds.
  17. Thrash iconThrashif it's either missing or in pandemic range.
  18. Prowl iconProwlinto Rake iconRakeon a target where Rake iconRakeis either missing, in pandemic range or can be upgraded as long as you don't have a Sudden Ambush iconSudden Ambushproc.
  19. Prowl iconProwlinto Rake iconRakeon a target where Rake iconRakeis either missing, in pandemic range or can be upgraded.
  20. Shadowmeld iconShadowmeldinto Rake iconRakeon a target where Rake iconRakeis either missing, in pandemic range or can be upgraded as long as you don't have a Sudden Ambush iconSudden Ambushproc.
  21. Shadowmeld iconShadowmeldinto Rake iconRakeon a target where Rake iconRakeis either missing, in pandemic range or can be upgraded
  22. Refresh Rake iconRake's that are either missing, or in pandemic range, as long as Rake iconRakewouldn't downgrade its snapshot value.
  23. Brutal Slash iconBrutal Slash
  24. Refresh Moonfire iconMoonfire's that are in pandemic range.
  25. Refresh Moonfire iconMoonfire's that are in pandemic range if there are fewer than 4 targets.
  26. Swipe iconSwipe
  27. Refresh Moonfire iconMoonfire's that are in pandemic range.
  28. Rake iconRaketargets that won't downgrade its snapshot value
  29. Swipe iconSwipe
  30. Shred iconShredif Sudden Ambush iconSudden Ambushis not up
  31. Shred iconShred
  32. Thrash iconThrash
  33. If you still need Bloodtalons iconBloodtalonsproc it with this priority:


This section is still a work in progress and will be updated before raid/m+ release, so check back before then.



Tempered Potion iconTempered Potion for every situation


Feast of the Midnight Masquerade iconFeast of the Midnight Masquerade or Feast of the Divine Day iconFeast of the Divine Day


Flask of Alchemical Chaos iconFlask of Alchemical Chaos for every situation

Weapon Rune

Ironclaw Whetstone iconIronclaw Whetstone or Algari Mana Oil iconAlgari Mana Oil. These have extremely similar value, though you should default to Ironclaw Whetstone iconIronclaw Whetstone.


Stat Priority:

Sim yourself using Raidbots Top Gear. Do not follow any stat priorities.

Gems and Enchants

Gems - 1x Elusive Blasphemite iconElusive Blasphemite or Culminating Blasphemite iconCulminating Blasphemite and a mixture of the other gems based on your sims. I would generally recommend Elusive Blasphemite iconElusive Blasphemite, as the crit effect portion of Culminating Blasphemite iconCulminating Blasphemite is incredibly weak.

Weapon - Authority of the Depths iconAuthority of the Depths for raid, Stonebound Artistry iconStonebound Artistry or Stormrider's Fury iconStormrider's Fury for M+

Chest - Crystalline Radiance iconCrystalline Radiance

Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace iconChant of Winged Grace

Legs - Stormbound Armor Kit iconStormbound Armor Kit

Wrist - Chant of Armored Avoidance iconChant of Armored Avoidance

Boots - Defender's March iconDefender's March or Scout's March iconScout's March

Ring - You should always sim your own character to determine what enchant to use in this slot. They tend to be very close.


Currently still awaiting tuning and for some embellishments to be fixed in game. This section will be updated closer to Raid release.


Much like embellishments, this section will be updated closer to Raid/m+ release. In the meantime do Delves just in case blizzard makes on busted by accident.


What is snapshotting?

Snapshotting refers to the process of continually ensuring that your strongest bleeds are ticking on your targets. The strength of feral bleed ticks is snapshotted (calculated) at the moment of application and lasts for the duration of the bleed. If certain buffs are active when the bleed is applied, such as Tiger’s Fury, the damage of its snapshot will be stronger. A good feral player is aware of this and will weave between applying stronger bleeds and leaving currently ticking bleeds alone.

Tracking the strength of different bleeds across multiple/changing mobs is notoriously difficult, so we recommend the use of Weak Aura bleed packages such as those found in dreamgrove.gg. All our WA packages follow the same general format:

  • If the bleed’s icon is highlighted in green or its number is higher than 100: this is a stronger bleed than the one you currently have active
  • If the bleed’s icon is highlighted in grey or its number is equal to 100: equal value bleed
  • If the bleed’s icon is highlighted in red or its number is lower than 100: this is a weaker bleed than the one you currently have active

Note: You will not necessarily upgrade every snapshot. Please review the rotation section.

Which bleeds are snapshotted?

A bleed will ideally be applied only when 30% or less of the prior bleed remains. This triggers a mechanic known as “pandemic,” which is common to most damage over time spells.

What is “pandemic range?”

This term refers to a DoT mechanic in WoW. The baseline duration of a DoT can be extended by up to 30% if a target is already affected by that DoT. Due to the 30% cap on extension, the DoT ought not to be refreshed early, or potential ticks will be lost. The ideal window of time to refresh a DoT is known as its “pandemic range.”

Let’s use an example. Consider a 10 second DoT:

  • Refresh with 1s remaining: the new DoT will be 11s long (10s baseline duration + 1s from prior DoT)
  • Refresh with 3s remaining: the new DoT will be 13s long (10s baseline duration + 3s from prior DoT)
  • Refresh with 8s remaining: the new DoT will still be 13s long (10s baseline + up to 30% from prior DoT)

It is therefore best to wait until 70% or more of your bleed has ticked to refresh its DoT.

Fun trivia: the name “pandemic” derives from an old warlock passive that was eventually integrated as a baseline feature of damage over time spells.

What is “clipping?”

Clipping refers to refreshing a dot prior to its pandemic window. Important note: Rake is the only bleed that ought to be clipped early to maintain stronger snapshots.


Here, we provide a list of helpful macros. These macros are not required, but using them may elevate your gameplay. (Note: These macros are not set in stone. Customize them as you see fit!)

Cast Ursol's Vortex at your cursor location (@cursor macro):

/cast [@cursor] Ursol's Vortex

Use your trinket(s) and/or weapon at the same time as an ability:

Some trinkets and weapons ought to be procced at the same time as a major cooldown. It is best to macro these items with Berserk.

  • 13 is the top trinket slot
  • 14 is the bottom trinket slot
  • 16 is your weapon slot

If you would like to use all three items with Berserk, use this macro:

/use 13
/use 14
/use 16
/cast Berserk

This macro may be modified. For example, the macro below only uses the 2nd trinket with Berserk:

/use 14
/cast Berserk

Cast Entangling Roots on your mouseover target:

This macro casts Entangling Roots on your mouseover target. If your mouse is not hovering over a target, the macro instead casts Entangling Roots on your current target.

/cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead] [] Entangling Roots

Skull Bash your Focus target:

This macro casts Skull Bash on your focus target. If you have not set a focus target, the macro instead casts Skull Bash on your current target.

We recommend creating a keybind that will assign a target as your focus with one click. This option can be found in the game's keybind settings.

/cast [@focus, harm, nodead] [] skull bash

Cast Adaptive Swarm on your ally or enemy mouseover target:

This macro casts Adaptive Swarm on your mouseover target. If your mouse is not hovering over a target, the macro instead casts Adaptive Swarm on your current target. (Your mouseover target may be an ally.)

Many abilities that are cast on allies - Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Innervate, etc - may be macro'd in this fashion. To make those macros, simply replace the term "Adaptive Swarm" with your spell of choice.

/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] [] Adaptive Swarm 

Cast Rebirth on an ally:

This macro casts Rebirth on your current friendly mouseover target. If your ally is alive, the macro instead casts Mark of the Wild.

/cast [@mouseover, help, dead] Rebirth; Mark of the Wild

Useful WeakAura(s) and Addons

Full WeakAura Packages for Feral

To play feral competently, many variables must be tracked. A single WeakAura is not up to this task, so our contributors have spent many hours assembling full WA packages from individual WeakAuras.

Each package contains multiple WeakAuras that work with each other to help you understand what's happening in combat. No package is superior to the others in the list. We recommend you try out several, and settle on your favorite.

Common Standalone WeakAuras and Addons

None of these WeakAuras or Addons are required, but using them may elevate your gameplay.

Feral Bleed Power by Oi This WA will make it easier to track the power of your next bleed compared to the currently active one. For more details, check out the WA description.

Feral Snapshots by Enth This Addon does many things, including tracking the talents, buffs and damage modifiers affecting DoT abilities. This information is displayed on WAs, standard Blizzard nameplates, Plater, and other addons. For more details, check out the Addon description.

Rake Plater mods by Sretnuh This links to a collection of Rake mods for the Plater addon. Their purpose is to help you track which targets have Rake at a glance. No listed mod is superior to the others. We recommend you try out several, and settle on your favorite.

Clearcasting Glows by Sretnuh This WA generates a glowing icon on your Shred iconShred, Thrash iconThrash, Swipe iconSwipe, and Brutal Slash iconBrutal Slashbuttons when Clearcasting iconClearcastingprocs. For more details, check out the WA description.

Apex Predator's Craving by Marvel This WA produces a glowing icon + sound cue when Apex Predator's Craving iconApex Predator's Cravingprocs for a free bite. For more details, check out the WA description.

Adaptive Swarm Helper by KnewOne This WA assists with proper use of Adaptive Swarm iconAdaptive Swarm. It also includes Unbridled Swarm support for casting on allies. For more details, check out the WA description.

Bloodtalons Tracker from Fore's pack This WA tracks your progress towards crucial procs of Bloodtalons iconBloodtalons. Bloodtalons is procced when you cast three different combo point generation abilities within 4s. This WA displays the 4s timer. For more details, check out the WA description.

Bloodtalons Tracker from Cheesey's pack This WA is another alternative for tracking crucial procs of Bloodtalons iconBloodtalons. For more details, check out the WA description.

Focus Skull Bash This WA tracks when your Skull Bash interrupt is off cooldown and ready for use on your Focus target. For more details, check out the WA description.